You need your internet marketing strategy to work for you, not the other way around. Investing in a website and an online marketing campaign won’t necessarily result in better business unless you focus on the elements that drive the most amount of traffic and create the best possible user experience. These are some significant determiners for small business marketing success.
Small businesses are smart to focus on content development tailored to search engines. Google is responsible for over 90 percent of all internet search traffic, and the first page of search results garner over 90 percent of user clicks. Your SEO strategy should focus on getting your content high enough on Google’s results pages to take advantage of internet users’ dislike for clicking the “Next” button. If customers can’t find your business quickly, they might not find it at all.
Once they’ve found your website, visitors tend to expect pages to load in two seconds or less. If it takes any longer, about half of users won’t bother sticking around. This is a critical point for small business marketing in the modern age. Internet users have infinite options, and a website that’s too slow or insufficient in content can send them immediately looking for another company. Sites should also be optimized for mobile users, as about 57 percent of users will not recommend a business with a poor mobile website experience. Your site needs to be responsive, grab attention quickly, and have enough content to convince customers to choose your product or service.
Almost half of the world’s population is on social media. Building your presence, filling your pages with interesting content, and engaging with your customer base on these sites can have an impressive impact on your business. About 86 percent of female online shoppers said that social media influenced their buying decisions, and 77 percent of Twitter users thought more highly of businesses that responded to their tweets. The average person spends about one in every six minutes online on Facebook. The amount of time people spend on social media is astronomical, and social media sites are prime locations to expand your reach and connect with potential customers.
Developing an attractive website and implementing the perfect internet marketing strategy is complicated. You don’t have to tread these murky waters alone. At Fitz Designz, we can handle your online presence to ensure you get the results you need. Contact us today for a free quote. For more information, follow our blog, and find us on Facebook and LinkedIn.
Whether you need digital marketing or a new website, let us handle your online presence
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Fitz Designz is a Subsidiary of Fitz Company, Inc.
Fitz Designz is a Santa Rosa based web design, web development, and digital marketing agency that offers professional small business internet marketing solutions to companies and clients in Santa Rosa, Rohnert Park, Petaluma, Windsor, Sebastopol, Sonoma, Napa, Sonoma County, and Napa County . We help small business owners grow their business online - get in touch with us today for a FREE consultation.