There are a lot of balls to keep in the air when you operate a small business. For that reason, you may not have as much time as you’d like to devote to search engine optimization. Fitz Designz is an SEO company in Santa Rosa committed to helping you fully understand and harness the power of optimizing your site.
Catching someone’s attention and keeping it are two different things. What that means is that just because someone comes across your commercial site in the search results does not automatically mean she or he will click on your link. One of the aims of SEO is to at least make people aware that your business exists, which is essential when there are so many other companies of various sizes available. If you can’t convert a consumer to a customer, appearing on her or his radar is the next best thing.
One goal of nearly every small business digital marketing campaign is to create and maintain a competitive edge. Again, your target audience has plenty of other options besides your small business. With SEO, you’re allowed to remain on the playing field rather than sit on the sidelines watching all the action pass right by you. SEO is an effective and affordable way to show yourself to be a contender for consumers’ time and attention.
No matter your chosen industry or niche, changes are inevitable. When you leverage SEO the right way and do your part in keeping up with the latest and most commonly used keywords, you open yourself up to new markets and new customers. You remain relevant, and you show current and potential customers that you have your finger on the pulse of your industry.
Imagine spending 30 minutes in traffic to drive to a coffee shop and another 10 minutes finding parking only to discover the coffee shop only sells tea. This is the type of disappointment consumers feel when they check out a commercial site only to discover it’s not what they imagined or what was advertised. What this translates to is that using SEO the right way better ensures you attract the customers you actually want, rather than ones who reach your homepage only to almost immediately hit the back arrow after discovering something they neither needed nor wanted.
Speaking of finding the right customers, when the right type of consumers stumble across your site, you want them to become loyal customers, ones who come back to you again and again. Boosting your conversion rate is easier when you scatter the right keywords throughout your site.
While you may be an expert in your chosen industry, your knowledge of the proper use of SEO could be lacking. Not to worry, Fitz Designz has you and your business fully covered. Don’t hesitate to reach out to use to learn how to make the most of SEO and various other internet marketing strategies. Be sure to subscribe to our blog for more useful insights.
Whether you need digital marketing or a new website, let us handle your online presence
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Fitz Designz is a Subsidiary of Fitz Company, Inc.
Fitz Designz is a Santa Rosa based web design, web development, and digital marketing agency that offers professional small business internet marketing solutions to companies and clients in Santa Rosa, Rohnert Park, Petaluma, Windsor, Sebastopol, Sonoma, Napa, Sonoma County, and Napa County . We help small business owners grow their business online - get in touch with us today for a FREE consultation.