Sometimes cutting corners pays off big. Sometimes saving money is the primary goal. Sometimes “good enough” is, indeed, good enough. However, when you’re talking about introducing your business to a vast, limitless world of potential clients, “sometimes” no longer cuts it. Search engine optimization, or SEO, is the bread and butter of any company seeking to find new clientele in today’s market, and choosing the cheap SEO option is a recipe for disaster.
If there is one thing that Google is good at, it’s rooting out spam links and sending them to the dumpster. Its search algorithm, codenamed Penguin, finds bogus links that artificially inflate website rankings, a technique “economy” companies use called link schemes. This can result in blocked links, or even worse, a shutdown of the offending page, guaranteeing your future clients never find you.
Since Google is the go-to search engine, it makes sense that it has spent resources to ensure its patrons find exactly what they’re looking for. Cheaper companies will manufacture sites to act as keyword dumps, creating thin articles that carry no informational weight, and the Panda algorithm fights back. Pushing such articles to the bottom of the search pool, Panda deliberately makes it difficult for sites lacking true articles to stay afloat, making this quick and dirty method of SEO a tool of the past.
The best way to find clients via sites like Google is to work with the system instead of trying to game it as cheaper SEO companies do. Clients today can quickly identify second-rate articles and keyword dumps, recognizing when businesses have taken the budget way out. There are several ways a reliable company can make search engines work for you:
Taking the time and extra finances to find a company that will provide you with the best SEO content possible will pay larger dividends in the future. Choosing a cheaper option will guarantee cheaper results, and will at best show customers that your business prefers to take the easy way.
Sometimes it’s better to choose quality over economy. Fitz Designz brings the best in SEO services, helping you to show your customers the high quality you have to offer. Let us handle your online presence. Look for us on Facebook and LinkedIn and subscribe to our blog to get the web working for you!
Whether you need digital marketing or a new website, let us handle your online presence
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Fitz Designz is a Subsidiary of Fitz Company, Inc.
Fitz Designz is a Santa Rosa based web design, web development, and digital marketing agency that offers professional small business internet marketing solutions to companies and clients in Santa Rosa, Rohnert Park, Petaluma, Windsor, Sebastopol, Sonoma, Napa, Sonoma County, and Napa County . We help small business owners grow their business online - get in touch with us today for a FREE consultation.